+43 1 58804 - 9992
+49 211 616 818 0

Burgenland Tour - Lake Neusiedl and Esterhazy Castle

Day Trip:

Period: April - October 2024: daily
Duration: 8.30 am – 5 pm  (8,5 hours)

Included Services:

  • ride in a comfort bus
  • Boat tour with a slice of bread with bacon & 1/4l wine from/to Mörbisch
  • 3-course lunch in the Haydnbräu restaurant (excluding drinks)
  • Castle ticket for Esterházy Castle with guided tour “The Esterházy Princely Family”
  • individual viewing of the exhibitions
  • Expert cellar tour at the Esterházy winery with commented wine tasting


This tour combines the best that Burgenland has to offer: culture, impressive natural landscapes with shipping and excellent wines.

The bus first takes you to Mörbisch on Lake Neusiedl. Lake Neusiedl attracts many people looking for relaxation every year and the unique nature reserve offers a habitat for both the animal and plant world and for people. It is one of the most important steppe lakes in Europe and is known for its shallow depth, its mild climate and its enormous reed belt, which almost completely surrounds it. On a boat tour you will discover this imposing landscape from the water. Coffee and cake will be served on board.

You then continue to Eisenstadt, where the most important cultural monument in Burgenland awaits you – Esterházy Palace. Before you visit the magnificent premises, enjoy a 3-course lunch menu in the Haydnbräu restaurant. Esterházy Palace is one of the most beautiful baroque palaces in Austria. Striking and imposing, the castle has been far more than the cultural center of Eisenstadt for centuries. As the former place of employment of Joseph Haydn, the cradle of Viennese classicism and the scene of magnificent concerts and festivals, the palace today attracts visitors as a museum and contemporary event location. The castle tour offers an insight into the multifaceted family history of the princely family and shows the impressive rooms of their residence in Eisenstadt. The highlight and true gem of this tour is the Haydn Hall.

You will then receive a unique insight into wine during an expert cellar tour at the Esterházy winery. The tour ends with the commented wine tasting of 5 wines and organic Pannonier bread.


Price per person: from 106,-
Group size 50-57 people

Price per person: from 109,-
Group size 38-49 people

Price per person: from 115,-

Group size 30-37 people

Price per person: from 128,-
Group size 20-29 people  

Booking & Requests: 

Mondial Travel Team Vienna
Virag Bognar
Operngasse 20b, 1040 Vienna
+43 1 58804-216

Mondial Travel Baden

Dagmar Wunderl
Kaiser-Franz-Ring 2, 2500 Baden
+43 2252 44242-330

Mondial Travel Germany

Nicole Averdiek
Mondial Travel and Hotel Reservations GmbH
Münsterstrasse 248, 40470 Düsseldorf
+49 211616818-25