+43 1 58804 - 9992
+49 211 616 818 0

Draisine tour & Forchtenstein Castle

Day Trip:

Period: April and October 2024: Friday, Saturday & Sunday
              May - September: Wednesday-Sunday & public holidays
Duration: 8.30 am – 6.30 pm  (10 hours)

Included Services:

  • ride in a comfort bus
  • Draisine tour incl. welcome drink and draisine hire
  • Burgenland lunch during the tour
  • Admission and guided tour of Forchtenstein Castle including a glass of sparkling wine


The draisine tour offers an all-round package with sport, lots of fun and Burgenland cuisine that guarantees an unforgettable experience for young and old!

The colorful bicycle trolleys run on a 23 km long route on a disused, romantic railway line across the Sonnenland. The handcars are powered by pedals, like a bicycle. It starts with a short introduction. You cycle through the romantic landscape of the sun-drenched Central Burgenland, past vineyards, sunflower fields, shady forests and romantic villages. There is a lot to discover along the route: a small pottery museum, a modern museum for building culture and the exhibition "On the trail of nature" in a picturesque castle. Small idyllic rest areas invite you to linger.

We also take care of your physical well-being: a Burgenland buffet lunch awaits you at the St. Martin train station. Rested and strengthened, the journey with the draisine then continues to the end station. Driving is always in one direction, so on even days from Neckenmarkt-Horitschon to Oberpullendorf and on odd days vice versa.

In the afternoon we go to Forchtenstein Castle, one of the most important landmarks in Burgenland. Forchtenstein Castle, one of the oldest museum locations in Europe, served the Esterházy princes for a long time as a safe and storage place for military equipment.

After a champagne reception, immerse yourself in the exhibitions of the baroque high castle in times long gone. Every step through the complex there is something unique to discover: from the inner castle courtyard with the largest secco wall paintings in terms of area, to the castle chapel to the world's most extensive private weapon collection. The castle kitchen and bakery in the fortress give an impression of what everyday work was like in the past. The Esterházy Treasury is the only Kunstkammer in Europe that has been preserved in its original location and with its original furnishings.


Price per person: from 97,-
Group size 50-57 people

Price per person: from 102,-
Group size 38-49 people

Price per person: from 110,-

Group size 30-37 people

Price per person: from 131,-
Group size 20-29 people 

Booking & Requests: 

Mondial Travel Team Vienna
Virag Bognar
Operngasse 20b, 1040 Vienna
+43 1 58804-216

Mondial Travel Baden

Dagmar Wunderl
Kaiser-Franz-Ring 2, 2500 Baden
+43 2252 44242-330

Mondial Travel Germany

Nicole Averdiek
Mondial Travel and Hotel Reservations GmbH
Münsterstrasse 248, 40470 Düsseldorf
+49 211616818-25